Our Skype Other Classrooms list has been updated – Are your contact details on the list?

Free voice and video calls using Skype is great for talking with authors, experts, peer classrooms, language classes, and more.

This is why we created the Skype Other Classrooms list — to help educators make connections with other classes interested in having Skype conversations.

And over the past 2 years since the Skype Other Classrooms list was first created in 2008 — it’s been very popular.

But it has needed serious updating.

Like with class blog list I’ve looked at how else can I make it a better resource?

Embedding Google Doc

Embedded Google Doc

Firstly, I needed to make it easier to quickly add new contacts to the list.

Embedding a Google Doc into the page means I’m able quickly update the list while making it easier to sort by time zone, country, grade and subject area.

Updated all contacts

Next I’ve checked all contact details on the list and removed any that:

  1. Aren’t obvious if they’re still interested in connecting
  2. Haven’t supplied enough details for other educators to easily connect

And off course, made sure all new contact details submitted were added to the list.

Please check the updated Skype Other Classrooms list if you had previously left your contact details and let me know if I need to update your details.

Also apologies if your details were removed by mistake — it was hard to work out who is still interested in connecting.

Are you on the list?

I’m now closing off the original Please Share your contact details post so I can make the Skype other classroom submissions manageable.

If you would like your contact details to be added to our Skype Other Classrooms list leave a comment to share with us:

  1. Your name
  2. Preferred method(s) of contact such as email address, Twitter name, Skype username or blog URL
  3. Blog URL or Website URL (optional) – makes easier for others to know more about you and your class plus helps us work out when we update the list if you are still interested in connecting
  4. Grade(s) of your students
  5. Subject areas you are interested in making connections for
  6. Your Country and State (or Province)
  7. Your timezone in UTC/GMT (refer to the Skype Other Classrooms list if you are unsure)
  8. Whatever information you will like to share with other educators to help them understand the types of Skype connections you are wanting to make (optional)

And don’t forget to check out The Complete Educator’s Guide to Using Skype effectively in the classroom if you are new to using Skype!

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38 thoughts on “Our Skype Other Classrooms list has been updated – Are your contact details on the list?

  1. Rick Alexander
    [email protected]

    We would love to be added to the Skype list!
    We are interested in all topics, but especially science, social studies, and connecting with students of other states/countries
    I teach 7th grade Geography.
    Catoosa, Ok

  2. Me llamo Manuel Castellano. Soy maestro en una escuela de Zaragoza, en España. Mis alumnos tienen 11-12 años. Creo que el intercambio de correspondencia entre escuelas es un maravilloso recurso del que los chicos/as pueden aprender mucho. Estoy buscando escuelas interesadas en este tipo de intercambio. He preparado con mis alumnos una carta de presentación para que podáis conocernos y saber dónde vivimos. La podréis ver en este enlace:
    También, para conocernos un poco, podéis visitar nuestro blog:
    mail de contacto: [email protected]

    1. Hi Manuel, thanks for getting in touch and sharing your details. This is the translation from Spanish to English for those interested…

      And I call Manuel Castellano. I am a teacher in a school in Zaragoza, Spain. My students are 11-12 years old. I believe that the exchange of correspondence between schools is a wonderful resource that children can learn a lot. I am looking for schools interested in this type of exchange. I have prepared a letter of introduction with my students so that you can know us and know where we live. You can see in this link:
      Also, to know us a little, you can visit our blog:

  3. Hi! I am a 4th grade teacher in Farmington, MN. I am interested in being included on the Skype Other Classrooms List. I am interested in 4th grade classrooms, elementary STEM/STEAM, or Gifted and Talented classes. Our available time is 9-3 CST.

  4. Hello I’m trying to contact primary schools in England, USA or any other english speaking country in order to speak english with real english people so my student of primary can have the chance to listen and to speak english and know english habits.

  5. We would like to be added to this list.

    Adam O’Hanlon
    [email protected]
    2nd grade classroom
    We are interested in all topics, but especially science, social studies, and connecting with students of other states/countries
    Killeen, Texas in the United States
    GMT – 5 (CST)

    We are open to anything. Giving the students opportunities to build background knowledge and experiences that they otherwise may not be able to get is our main goal.

  6. We would love to be added to the Skype list!

    Jessica Vogen
    [email protected]
    6th grade Reading and 5-8th grade Science
    Science and Reading
    GMT – 6 (CST)
    Wanting to converse about related topics we’re studying and help the students learn from each other!

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