Giving Feedback – #EdublogsClub Prompt 11

This post is part of the #EdublogsClub – a group of educators and edtech enthusiasts that blog around a common theme each week. Simply write a post and share it to join in, or sign up to receive email reminders of each new prompt. 

For many, the idea of grading elicits that internal sigh. You know the one – you’ve probably made it just thinking about progress reports. Unfortunately, the only way students can better themselves is to submit work, have it reviewed, get feedback, and adjust for the next round of submitted work. Giving feedback, however, can come in all sizes, shapes, and forms. This week, we’re looking at the different ways you’ve found to provide feedback to students that have worked and made them more successful learners.

Prompt: Write a post about giving feedback to students.

Some questions to jumpstart your thinking:

  • What is your favorite type of assignment upon which to comment? Why?
  • Do you have any tips to share on using rubrics, alternative assessments, or anything else related to feedback and grading work?
  • How do you balance constructive criticism and sensitive students?
  • How do students respond to your feedback? Do you have any thoughts about changes that could strengthen your feedback?
  • How do you give feedback “in the moment” during classroom activities? What are the most effective strategies you’ve used?

And here is a post that I like to share on feedback…

Happy blogging!

26 thoughts on “Giving Feedback – #EdublogsClub Prompt 11

  1. Great Love it!
    I know I felt amazed when I saw I had a follower.

    Go To: Personal passion project


  2. Still catching up! Every day a new post! Here is my post on feedback.
    Thanks for reading & commenting!

  3. Feedback on student work is imperative and it is really important for new and soon to be teachers to understand the reality of how feedback can affect the students. I can appreciate this blog, especially on the question of “how to balance constructive criticism and sensitive students,” as, I have cultivated theories, but it is better for me to incorporate learning from experienced teachers that have already been down that road.

  4. I tend to incorporate collaborative work time into my classwork to provide some classroom management while I give students group/individual feedback on their projects or large assessments. Particularly, I focus on doing this very early in the year so the students can hopefully utilize this conversation in the future. This ideally, will reduce the time needed for similar future assignments. The primary focus of the conversation…Hard on content, while soft on students. Students react to negatively to constructive criticism Explaining to the student early that this process is beneficial rather than punitive will help with the conversations.

  5. I really appreciate how you are telling your feedback on this subject because as a student I like getting feedback. It makes me know what I need to work on mor and what i am good at.

  6. So, I’m off topic here, but my most recent post does, actually, relate to feedback of a different kind. AASL (The American Association of School Librarians) has just announced the finalists in our inaugural Social Media Superstars recognitions. There are 7 categories and 3 finalists in each category, so 21 people who are exemplary school librarians AND effective users of social media. I think all educators would benefit from following them. To help the selection task force select the winners, we are asking people to use the comments section of the posting on each category to write endorsements of your favorites and why they inspire you. Here’s my latest posting sharing about the program, and linking to the AASL information: I’d love for you to visit! Thanks!

  7. Hi Ronnie, I’m looking for a little “feedback” myself! I’m curious about how you set up the Edublogger homepage to display images for the various blog posts running down the page instead of just one whole blog article, which is what mine does. Is that a particular theme or can the Edublogger default theme be set up to do that?
    BrP (barupatx)

    1. Hi BrP

      It is controlled by the theme you are using. Your current theme doesn’t support this feature. The theme we use allows us to display the featured image from the post and a custom excerpt on the blog post page.

      Would you like me to suggest some themes you could try that use a similar approach?


      1. Hi Sue,
        Thanks for your response. One thing I do like about the Edublogger default is the 3-columm layout–wider center for the blog & narrower sidebars for links, etc. I looked at some possible themes but couldn’t find one that allowed that, so I’d really appreciate it if you could suggest some themes that might work for me! Feel free to email me directly.
        BrP (Barbara)

    1. Outstanding post, Alicia. Your example encapsulates collaboration, integration, and feedback. Once your students discover how helpful you are, I bet they flock into your library!

  8. Hey! I blogged about data dialogues with students. Love bringing kids into the process of feedback.

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