Skype Other Classrooms!

This page has been set up to help you make connections with classes who are interesting in having Skype conversations with other classes.

It’s be sorted by time zone,  Grade level and subjects.

This list was started Dec 18, 2008 and date last updated is shown at the top of the spreadsheet (educators details were added/old information removed –including those where it wasn’t clear whether the educator was still active)!

We’ve tried our best to keep this information helpful and current however due to the nature of this type of list, and when it was started, people’s situation may have changed and they may no longer be interested in connecting — so it is best to try contacting several people.

If you would like your class added to this list please add your details to this post.

We’ve embedded this list as a Google Doc in this page.  If you are unable to view this document on your school network, it means that Google Docs may be blocked on your network, and you’ll need to view it on your home computer.

Remember to scroll across and down the list to see all the information for each person!

Alternatively, if you would like to see the list without scrolling you can view it as a web page here!

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