Blogging 101

Edublogs is a WordPress based platform that's customized for education. Safe, secure, flexible, and authentic. Find out exactly how to get started with a free blog on our Blogging 101 page. Videos, slideshows, PDFs and tutorials to get you started with blogging!

Welcome to the wonderful world of blogging!

Maybe you’ve signed up for a blog and you’re wondering what to do next? We’re here to help.

What Is A Blog?

First, if you’re very new to blogging, you might want to check out this video that describes what exactly a blog is and how it works.

Tip: This can be handy to show students too.

Quick Start Guide: Starting Your Blog

This 15-minute video tutorial walks you through setting up your blog. It’s like a quick start guide to get you going if you’re totally new to blogging.

Tip: If you’ve already signed up and want to know what to do next, you can start at the 1 minute 40 mark, or click here to go straight to that point.

Want to go over some of the topics covered in this video again, or in more depth?

Here are the links to the specific written tutorials.

Edublogs Overview Presentation

Want to learn more about Edublogs or introduce it to colleagues or parents?

This overview of Edublogs can be viewed as a Google Slides presentation or as a PDF. 

It goes through:

  • What is Edublogs?
  • The benefits of using Edublogs
  • How to get started with Edublogs
  • Example blogs from different age groups and settings
  • How to learn more

>>Download the PDF here

>>Make a copy of the Google Slides presentation here

Edublogs Overview Printable PDF

This two page document explains Edublogs in a nutshell and goes through some frequently asked questions.

Distribute it to staff or share it with parents.

>> Download the PDF here

This two page document explains Edublogs in a nutshell and goes through some frequently asked questions.Learn More: Free Courses

Want to learn more about blogging step-by-step in your own time? We have a series of free self-paced courses for students and teachers that help you learn to blog.

You might be particularly interested in:

Blogging With Students (For Teachers — this shows you how to set up a class blog)

Blogging Bootcamp (For Students — feel free to assign this to your students)

Personal Blogging (For Educators — learn how to create your own personal blog)

Student Blogging Challenge

Want your students to learn more about blogging while connecting with classes around the world?

The Student Blogging Challenge runs for eight weeks and begins every March and October. It’s hosted by teacher/blogger Kathleen Morris.

Find out more about the challenge. 

The Student Blogging Challenge is held every March and October. It runs for 8 weeks.

Help And Support

Now it’s time to explore our help and support site further. This is the place where you can find everything you need to know about setting up and customizing your blog.

Make yourself familiar with the search function and the user guides.

Image of user guideNote: All the Edublogs help resources also apply to CampusPress blogs.

Help In Your Dashboard

When you’re working in the dashboard of your blog, look for the “Need Help?” box in the bottom right-hand corner.

Clicking on this brings up a help menu where you can search or browse help guides, or email support.

Further Reading

We’ve written lots of articles on The Edublogger that help you become a better blogger.

Questions? Comments?

If you have any questions about Edublogs, drop a comment below.

Or if you have any suggestions for more resources that would help you introduce Edublogs to others, be sure to let us know.

Contact Us

Need more help? Remember, You can email our support team any time. 

Get Started!

It can sometimes feel overwhelming to look at established blogs with lots of content and attractive features. Comparison paralysis or fear of imperfection is common when starting something new. Please don’t worry!

At the end of the day, the best way to learn is to start. Your first blog posts probably won’t be perfect but that doesn’t matter. Demonstrating to your students that you too are a learner and willing to give new things a go is an excellent trait.

So it’s time to jump in and start blogging. Have fun!